Overcoming COVID-19 together

Stay informed and stay safe

As you may know, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a dramatic impact around the world, including in the markets in which Gozem operates: on the way we live our daily lives, on the activities of the various companies we depend on, on our health, and more.

The safety and well-being of our customers, employees, partners and fellow citizens is a priority for us. And with the evolving situation around COVID-19, we want to make sure the broader community is adequately informed in order to stand together to meet this unprecedented challenge.

Supporting our clients and the broader community

We believe that awareness and education are among the best tools we have to meet the COVID-19 challenge, which is why we launched this information centre.

Stay connected to the latest Coronavirus-related updates in your communities by visiting the official websites in Togo and in Benin, and the website of the World Health Organization.

Supporting our drivers

One of the best ways to protect our drivers is through education, and we continue to share best practices with our drivers and help them separate reality from myth.

In addition, Gozem strongly encourages its drivers to wear masks and to wash their hands and vehicles regularly.

And for those who can't afford masks or soaps, we distribute them while our supplies last.

Supporting our employees

We continue to take steps to protect the well-being and health of our staff and to promote best practices.

We regularly remind our staff of measures to combat the spread of the virus, our offices are equipped with hand sanitizer and disinfectant soap, and our employees are advised to minimize contact and maintain a safe distance.

In addition, our teams that regularly interacted with drivers and customers on the streets have been reassigned to minimize risk. And we have also limited visits to our offices by drivers and third parties.

By protecting the health and safety of our staff, we will be ready and equipped to support our customers during this period.

Supporting health professionals and government authorities

The dedication of health care professionals at times like this has inspired us to do more. That's why we're offering discounted trips to healthcare professionals throughout the month of April.

In addition, we fully support the government's efforts to protect its citizens, and we will fully comply with any applicable regulations. For example, we are fully compliant with the directives regarding a curfew and the temporary ban on the transport of passengers via zems and tricycles in Lomé, Togo. We remain prepared to assist government institutions in the markets in which we operate by providing logistical and transport support.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Safety Resources

Important information for Passengers

For Gozem rides, we have:

  • Educated drivers on activating protective hygiene measures
  • Encouraged the regular and habitual use of masks and soaps
  • Encouraged regular cleaning of vehicles between rides
  • Discouraged drivers from working if they feel sick

What you can do:

  • Make a report if you notice a driver may be unwell
  • Stay at home and don’t move around if you feel sick
  • Cover your mouth with tissue paper if you cough or sneeze
  • Immediately throw used tissue paper into a bin
  • Take car rides with the windows down in order to improve ventilation
  • Go cashless and pay for trips via card or mobile money to reduce contact
  • Familiarize yourself with the resources provided by the government and stay informed of new developments
  • Respect measures put in place by the government to stop the propagation of the virus

Important information for Drivers

What you can do:

  • Don't log in to pick up passengers if you are feeling sick
  • Wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds regularly throughout the day
  • If you cannot use soap and water, sanitize your hands with hand sanitizer - especially after touching cash
  • Carry a sanitization kit with you that consists of a hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, disinfectant wipes, packet of tissues and protective gloves
  • After dropping off a passenger, clean the seat, handles, and other areas of contact with sanitizer or isopropyl alcohol (over 60% alcohol)
  • Wear gloves when cleaning your car
  • Check own temperature twice a day
  • Wear a protective mask
  • Make a report if you notice a passenger may be unwell
  • Cover your mouth with tissue paper if you cough or sneeze
  • Immediately throw used tissue paper into a bin
  • Encourage clients to take car rides with the windows down in order to improve ventilation
  • Encourage clients to go cashless and pay for trips via card or mobile money to reduce contact
  • Familiarize yourself with the resources provided by the government and stay informed of new developments
  • Respect measures put in place by the government to stop the propagation of the virus